What Jesus Said
John 20:21 – ” …In the same way My Father sent me, I send you. ”
Luke 1:31-32 – Jesus was born of God.
Luke 3:21-22 – Jesus baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Luke 3:23 (Amp.) – Jesus’ ministry didn’t begin until He was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:4-5 – And being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith He, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
John 14:26 – Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit.
What About the Disciples?
John 20:22 – The disciples were born again (born of God).
When we are born again, we receive the Holy Spirit. He changes our nature from the nature of sin to the nature of God (2 Cor 5:21).
Acts 2:1-4 – The disciples were baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Empowered to do the work of the ministry, to live the Gospel.
Is This for the Disciples Only?
Acts 2:17-18, Acts 2:39 – Peter explains that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is for anyone who will serve the Lord.
What is the Purpose?
Acts 1:8 (Amp) – But you shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Power in the Greek means the ability and might of God.
“Witness” means “the ability to prove.”
Jesus said the purpose of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is to give you the ability and might of God to prove Jesus is who He says He is.
John 14:26, John 14:12 – Jesus said when He goes to the Father He will send the Holy Spirit, and we will do the same works He did. This is how we prove Jesus is Lord.
How do I Know When I Receive?
Mark 11:24 – By faith. We believe we receive when we pray.
Luke 11:13 – Jesus said if we ask, the Father will give the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:4 – Evidence of the baptism is speaking in other tongues. Also, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:2-6
Two ways to speak in tongues
1 Cor 14:2 – When we pray in tongues (in the Spirit), we are speaking to God. Everyone who is baptized in the Holy Spirit can do this.
1 Cor 12:10-11 – When someone in church speaks out in tongues, it is God speaking to the church. Therefore, there must be an interpretation. This gift of tongues is given to whomever God chooses.
Rom 8:26 – It is the ability to pray when you don’t know what or how to pray. The Holy Spirit knows the will of God and will pray exactly what we need.
Jude 20 – It builds you up on your most holy faith.
1 Cor 14:4 – It edifies you. Edify means to charge up like a battery
How do I Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Luke 11:13 – Ask the Father.
Mark 11:24 – Believe you receive.
Acts 2:4 – Open your mouth and begin to praise God in the Spirit.
Prayer to Receive the Holy Spirit
Father, I come to you in Jesus’ Name. You said in your word that if I ask you for the Holy Spirit you would give Him. So, in Jesus Name I ask you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit. I receive you, Holy Spirit, and I thank you, Father I am baptized in the Holy Spirit and I speak in other tongues. Amen.